joebeone: Materials for the random selection of precincts using numbered ping pong balls
joebeone: Numbered ping pong balls
joebeone: Side shot of tumbler used for random selection
joebeone: The Alameda RoV staffers running the show
joebeone: The selection board
joebeone: First page of the precinct list
joebeone: last page of the precinct list
joebeone: numbered balls and tumbler
joebeone: Alameda RoV Dave Macdonald explaining things
joebeone: Staffer removes ball from tumbler
joebeone: Staffer showing selected ball to audience
joebeone: Selection board starts to fill up
joebeone: Tumbler in motion
joebeone: Tumbler being stopped by staffer
joebeone: Opening the key lock on the tumbler
joebeone: Tumbler in motion
joebeone: Staffer looks away and closes eyes while selecting
joebeone: Staffer waits for precinct number to be found on list
joebeone: The board after three selections
joebeone: Staffer recording draw
joebeone: After 5 selections
joebeone: Again, after five selections
joebeone: Wider shot of tumbling
joebeone: Final board after 6 selections
joebeone: Tumbling after 6 selections
joebeone: After 9 selections
joebeone: After 11 selections
joebeone: Beginning of 12th selection