Joe Athialy: Jeffrey Sachs talking about "New Issues and Opportunities in Resource-based Development" at the Annual Meeting of World Bank/IMF. (He didn't talk about people's rights over natural resources, though).
Joe Athialy: IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn in all smiles. Wonder why!!
Joe Athialy: A CSO representative at the town hall meeting
Joe Athialy: World Bank President Robert Zoellick making a point at the town hall meeting
Joe Athialy: Jubilee USA
Joe Athialy: Drum the Bank!!
Joe Athialy: Young Activist
Joe Athialy: Protests in front of the Main Complex of World Bank
Joe Athialy: People, Not Profits.
Joe Athialy: Leaflet
Joe Athialy: IMF Extinction!
Joe Athialy: IMF Extinction!
Joe Athialy: United against the Bank/IMF
Joe Athialy: Police following the protesters
Joe Athialy: Police following the protesters
Joe Athialy: Greed Kills
Joe Athialy: The chain of debt and poverty
Joe Athialy: The chain of debt and poverty
Joe Athialy: The chain of debt and poverty
Joe Athialy: Protests against World Bank / IMF
Joe Athialy: Protests against World Bank / IMF