joe_relic37: 1 st roll Trip 35 test shots kodacolor 200 xp as b and w 2
joe_relic37: 1 st roll Trip 35 test shots kodacolor 200 xp as b and w 3
joe_relic37: 1 st roll Trip 35 test shots kodacolor 200 xp as b and w 1
joe_relic37: 1 st roll Trip 35 test shots kodacolor 200 xp as b and w 4
joe_relic37: Kitchen Scene Trip 35
joe_relic37: Through the door you go Trip 35
joe_relic37: Birds scavaging in a car park trip 35
joe_relic37: Market scene. Packing up to go home trip 35
joe_relic37: I'm not driving for once trip35
joe_relic37: Prince on chair trip35
joe_relic37: IMG_0008
joe_relic37: IMG_0007
joe_relic37: IMG_0006
joe_relic37: IMG_0005
joe_relic37: IMG_0004
joe_relic37: IMG_0003
joe_relic37: IMG_0002
joe_relic37: IMG_0001
joe_relic37: piggy back trip 35 caffenol c-h
joe_relic37: standing by for warmer weather trip 35 caffenol c-h
joe_relic37: structures trip 35 caffenol c-h
joe_relic37: back end trip 35 caffenol c-h
joe_relic37: westside trip 35 agfa vista caffenol c-h
joe_relic37: used rubber trip 35 agfa vista caffenol c-h
joe_relic37: rubbish available here trip 35 agfa vista caffenol c-h
joe_relic37: pondlife trip 35 agfa vista caffenol c-h
joe_relic37: parked trip35 agfa vista caffenol c-h