joe.moore: Blank cover
joe.moore: Maps
joe.moore: Annotated maps
joe.moore: Guidebook entries
joe.moore: Guidebook entries
joe.moore: Guidebook entry: always wear a jacket!
joe.moore: a note for the finder
joe.moore: A note for the finder
joe.moore: Notes
joe.moore: Sketchbook test
joe.moore: Sketchbook test
joe.moore: Test cover
joe.moore: color tests
joe.moore: Test cover
joe.moore: Final cover sketch
joe.moore: Final cover sketch
joe.moore: Partially done cover
joe.moore: Half way done with the cover
joe.moore: Bridge done on the cover
joe.moore: Almost done with the cover
joe.moore: Almost done with the cover
joe.moore: Final cover
joe.moore: Final cover.
joe.moore: Signing off
joe.moore: Signing off
joe.moore: Dropping off the Guidebook