joespix: Relentless
joespix: present state of affairs
joespix: minor details
joespix: before the rooster crows
joespix: how warm are his eyes
joespix: dive in at the deep end
joespix: break me clean in two
joespix: nothing here to run from
joespix: morning coffee
joespix: crux immissa
joespix: God grant me the serenity...
joespix: Thinking Outside the Bank
joespix: eventually all bleeding stops
joespix: wisdom to know the difference
joespix: pilot of the storm that leaves no trace
joespix: absent dads & dollar store mac & cheese
joespix: Avast, ye peculiar scene
joespix: faith without works
joespix: Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk
joespix: remedy for a dangerous liaison
joespix: day at the pool
joespix: downstream, near a sharp bend
joespix: hope hold's out it's hand
joespix: Tastes like chicken !
joespix: Yours truly...
joespix: part of the cure or part of the disease
joespix: Save the nighttime for your weeping...
joespix: observing Ike
joespix: seething resentment