zaphox2005: autumn leafes 006
zaphox2005: autumn leafes 005
zaphox2005: hohe warte 002
zaphox2005: Bank ...
zaphox2005: wineyard 002
zaphox2005: hohe warte 001
zaphox2005: wineyard 001
zaphox2005: have a seat ...
zaphox2005: autumn leafes 001
zaphox2005: season of mists...
zaphox2005: autumn leafes 004
zaphox2005: Stuttgart autumn pano
zaphox2005: autumn leafes 003
zaphox2005: winyard throne
zaphox2005: autumn leafes 002
zaphox2005: ... and mellow fruitfullness
zaphox2005: stump
zaphox2005: autumn - statue
zaphox2005: walimex 85mm fall colors 002
zaphox2005: walimex 85mm fall colors 001
zaphox2005: fall colors 005
zaphox2005: fall colors 004
zaphox2005: walimex 85mm fall colors 003