JoeGray: Discount day at Justco
JoeGray: View from my window 18:37, 20/9/06
JoeGray: Japanese Watermelon
JoeGray: Gucci Little-Brooklyn Toy Dog
JoeGray: Consumer Maze
JoeGray: Sunset in TKO?? (bad white balance!)
JoeGray: Sunset in TKO
JoeGray: Shatin Food Market
JoeGray: Shatin Food Market
JoeGray: Tea Eggs
JoeGray: Shrine
JoeGray: Mid-Autumn Feast(ival)
JoeGray: Mid-Autumn Festival
JoeGray: Mid-Autumn Street Party
JoeGray: Playing up
JoeGray: Holloween Sheik??
JoeGray: The Vampires Ball
JoeGray: My Friend Jack
JoeGray: My Friend Jack
JoeGray: Too dark to climb? (Never)
JoeGray: Wooden Tank
JoeGray: Wooden Track
JoeGray: Sai Kung
JoeGray: Bauble
JoeGray: This is where I work
JoeGray: Kodak Photo Zone 1
JoeGray: Waiting for the Parade
JoeGray: Toy Soldiers
JoeGray: Prerequisite Disney Shot
JoeGray: Photon Plumage