jody9: farmhouse on hwy 47
jody9: weitz cafe
jody9: plate lunches
jody9: birds en masse
jody9: walk in a meadow
jody9: stairwell in the capitol building
jody9: two windows
jody9: canal path
jody9: night train passing
jody9: brick silo ruins
jody9: dusk on the mississippi
jody9: dusk in san antonio
jody9: derelict lobby, downtown San Antonio
jody9: dawn at white sands
jody9: odd little house
jody9: white sands, new mexico
jody9: shiprock, late afternoon
jody9: icy aspen grove, wolf creek pass
jody9: sunrise clouds at white sands, nm
jody9: house in the french quarter
jody9: theater box office, san antonio
jody9: closed theater, natchez, ms
jody9: twin stairways, des moines state capitol
jody9: storm light, new mexico
jody9: sand dune at sunrise, white sands
jody9: shallow inlet near the mississippi
jody9: wolf creek pass
jody9: marathon station
jody9: perfect under pressure
jody9: early morning, white sands