scatterpig: elisa's tote
scatterpig: IR finished & being worn
scatterpig: the doilies serve a purpose!
scatterpig: embroideredcoaster1
scatterpig: the bottom of one of the coasters
scatterpig: plain coasters
scatterpig: embroideredcoaster3
scatterpig: embroideredcoaster4
scatterpig: sunrise felted bag
scatterpig: sunrise felted bag
scatterpig: sunrise
scatterpig: sunrise felted bag lining
scatterpig: sunrise felted bag
scatterpig: rusted root fo
scatterpig: rustedroot_fo
scatterpig: fo spiral boot socks
scatterpig: spiral boot socks fo
scatterpig: eyeletcardie_fo
scatterpig: bsa eyeletcardie
scatterpig: serpentine mitts
scatterpig: serpentine mitts
scatterpig: elbow length dashings
scatterpig: dashing
scatterpig: dashings
scatterpig: simple knit bodice
scatterpig: simple knit bodice
scatterpig: fo simple knit bodice
scatterpig: Child's French Sock