jodi*mckee: anthro
jodi*mckee: astrid
jodi*mckee: 13 November 2007
jodi*mckee: stuart the snowman must be farsighted
jodi*mckee: it's spring at anthropologie
jodi*mckee: guess who got a hair cut . . .
jodi*mckee: boyz II
jodi*mckee: circles and me
jodi*mckee: another anthro window
jodi*mckee: astrid
jodi*mckee: oh, yes
jodi*mckee: pieces of my mind
jodi*mckee: happy anniversary!
jodi*mckee: like a rustic fairy tale
jodi*mckee: in awe of anthro
jodi*mckee: peeking in
jodi*mckee: {7/365} anthropologie gift cards will be accepted for upcoming birthday and holidays
jodi*mckee: {47/365} pretty prints
jodi*mckee: {67/365} spring fever
jodi*mckee: taking flight
jodi*mckee: anthropola
jodi*mckee: {143/365} the bees knees
jodi*mckee: oh, antrho
jodi*mckee: {289/365} they make magic
jodi*mckee: hello anthro
jodi*mckee: {319/365} seriously
jodi*mckee: me too anthro, me too.