Jodene: Gorge power
Jodene: Dick lawyers (and Jason)
Jodene: Brothers Stage Stop Oasis
Jodene: Brothers, Oregon
Jodene: Brothers Stage Stop counter
Jodene: Cafe snakes
Jodene: Warming up at the Stage Stop in Brothers
Jodene: Riders taking a pit stop in Burns
Jodene: The straight and narrow of Oregon 78
Jodene: Southern Oregon desert dessert
Jodene: Unloading the bike at Power Sports in Elko
Jodene: AAA sends Carlos to the rescue
Jodene: Carlos. The Uber of Salt Flats
Jodene: Cored tire stops us in our tracks
Jodene: Cored tire and the Captain
Jodene: Riding the winched bike
Jodene: Creature of the sky
Jodene: Uh oh
Jodene: Departing well fed