Jo David: IMGP4051
Jo David: IMGP4044
Jo David: IMGP4045
Jo David: IMGP4046
Jo David: IMGP4047
Jo David: IMGP4048
Jo David: IMGP4050
Jo David: IMGP4052
Jo David: IMGP4053
Jo David: IMGP4055
Jo David: IMGP4049
Jo David: IMGP4058
Jo David: FOR Group
Jo David: FOR Group B
Jo David: ODESSA
Jo David: Bella with Elvis Topiary
Jo David: Beggar's Banquet
Jo David: Beggar's Banquet Card Back
Jo David: Our Feast
Jo David: IMG_5420
Jo David: Steve Lough
Jo David: IMG_5423
Jo David: IMG_5425
Jo David: Lynn, Matte and Indian
Jo David: more please...
Jo David: Ries and Steve
Jo David: Gernot, Joan, and Lynn
Jo David: Steve, Tandy, and Madeline
Jo David: Jeanne hugs Tandy