Marc Charron:
Copernicus and Eratosthenes
Peter the Fraudfinder:
Jupiter and GRS 22:18 UT 3rd Janaury
Peter the Fraudfinder:
Jupiter and the GRS 3rd January
Marc Charron:
Possible Antihelion Meteor
Peter the Fraudfinder:
Barnard 33 - the Horsehead nebula
Peter the Fraudfinder:
Jupiter and Callisto
Peter the Fraudfinder:
Mars evening of 20th December- hints of clouds and dust storms
Peter the Fraudfinder:
Jupiter, Europa and Europa's shadow, 16th December
Peter the Fraudfinder:
Mars 16th November 2024
Marc Charron:
Sun in White Light illustrating AR3664
Marc Charron:
Sun in White Light
Marc Charron:
Close-up of AR3664
Peter the Fraudfinder:
Just one from a stunning night
Peter the Fraudfinder:
The Plough shining through the aurora
Trevor Gainey:
M104 Sombrero Galaxy in Virgo
Marc Charron:
Aurora seen from Edinburgh Airport
Marc Charron:
Green Aurora over the Control Tower
Marc Charron:
Sun in White Light at 10:02 UTC
Peter the Fraudfinder:
Auroral sequence
Keith Seymour1:
Woodley Aurora 10.05.24 AMAZING-02
Keith Seymour1:
Woodley Aurora 10.05.24 AMAZING-07
Peter the Fraudfinder:
M13 - Hercules - wide field
Peter the Fraudfinder:
Venus night side 15th September revisited
Peter the Fraudfinder:
Comet 12P Pons-Brooks - a wider view
Peter the Fraudfinder:
Comet 12P Pons-Brooks on 24th February
Peter the Fraudfinder:
The 'Flying Saucer' galaxy NGC 4565
Marc Charron:
Orion and the Barony A-Frame
Peter the Fraudfinder:
Jupiter and Io 1st February
Peter the Fraudfinder:
Stunning Saturn on 10th August
Peter the Fraudfinder:
Mercury 3rd April