Job©: Blauwe reiger
Job©: Grauwe ganzen
Job©: Grauwe ganzen
Job©: Dode mol
Job©: Grauwe ganzen
Job©: Grauwe ganzen
Job©: Kauw
Job©: Black Storks 1
Job©: Black Stork 2
Job©: Black Storks 3
Job©: Black Stork 4
Job©: Starling winter roost congregation, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Job©: Starling winter roost congregation, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Job©: Starling winter roost congregation, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Job©: Starling winter roost congregation, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Job©: Starling winter roost congregation, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Job©: Starling winter roost congregation, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Job©: Starling winter roost congregation, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Job©: Starling winter roost congregation, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Job©: Red Fox
Job©: Koninginnepage/Swallowtail - Papilio machaon
Job©: Dead Barn Owl (Tyto alba) close-up
Job©: Groot Avondrood/Elephant Hawk-moth - Deilephila elpenor
Job©: Waterbirds, Hoogenkampse Plas
Job©: Waterbirds, Hoogenkampse Plas
Job©: Aalscholver (Phalocrocorax carbo)
Job©: Kokmeeuw (Larus ridibundus)
Job©: Highland Cow close-up
Job©: Highland cow
Job©: Grass snake/Ringslang (Natrix natrix)