Jo Bradford: butterfly bush
Jo Bradford: hard at work
Jo Bradford: butterfly resting
Jo Bradford: dragon fly
Jo Bradford: leafy landing
Jo Bradford: daffodil perch
Jo Bradford: dragonfly
Jo Bradford: dragonfly
Jo Bradford: bees on comb
Jo Bradford: honey comb
Jo Bradford: bee hive
Jo Bradford: honeycomb
Jo Bradford: beekeeper
Jo Bradford: beehive
Jo Bradford: Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
Jo Bradford: Nymphalidae Nymphalinae
Jo Bradford: butterfly
Jo Bradford: fuzzy heart
Jo Bradford: black fly
Jo Bradford: bumbling about
Jo Bradford: balancing act
Jo Bradford: butterflies - mating ritual?
Jo Bradford: catching the sun
Jo Bradford: caterpillar
Jo Bradford: descent
Jo Bradford: tortoiseshell basking in the sunshine
Jo Bradford: Two butterflies went out at noon
Jo Bradford: Human domination of the landscape spells trouble.........
Jo Bradford: Baffled Bumble Bees Feel The Effects Of Climate Change