Jo Bradford: looking up
Jo Bradford: autumn
Jo Bradford: butterfly resting
Jo Bradford: grounded
Jo Bradford: reservoir
Jo Bradford: Baffled Bumble Bees Feel The Effects Of Climate Change
Jo Bradford: hedgerow
Jo Bradford: dew drop
Jo Bradford: fallen
Jo Bradford: young frog seeks pond
Jo Bradford: dew drop
Jo Bradford: hard at work
Jo Bradford: Dactylorhiza praetermissa - Southern Marsh-Orchid
Jo Bradford: facing the sun
Jo Bradford: weeds in the lawn
Jo Bradford: butterflies - mating ritual?
Jo Bradford: caterpillar
Jo Bradford: twilight fallen
Jo Bradford: spring
Jo Bradford: descent
Jo Bradford: narcissus
Jo Bradford: buttercups
Jo Bradford: dew drop
Jo Bradford: bumbling about
Jo Bradford: catching the sun
Jo Bradford: balancing act
Jo Bradford: Rana temporaria (common frog)
Jo Bradford: buttercup
Jo Bradford: bumbling about the tulips