Jo Sze: 25 November-South Sandwich Islands - Montagu Island's volcano.
Jo Sze: Million of chinstrap penguins on Zavodovski Island-South Sandwich Islands
Jo Sze: Tabular iceberg with underwater's algae on his upper side.-Thule Island-South Sandwich Islands
Jo Sze: Rough sea around Candlemas-South Sandwich Islands.
Jo Sze: Andromeda Volcano on Candlemas Island-South Sandwich Islands
Jo Sze: Coast of Candlemas Island.-South Sandwich Islands.
Jo Sze: Glacier on Cook island - South Sandwich Islands
Jo Sze: 24 November-South Sandwich Islands - Glacier on Cook Island-
Jo Sze: 24 November-South Sandwich Islands-Thule Island-Chinstraps on glacier including volcanic ashes layers.
Jo Sze: Thule Island-November 2010-South Sandwich Islands
Jo Sze: Glacier with volcano's ashes.-South Sandwich Island
Jo Sze: Chinstrap penguins on Zavodovski Island-South Sandwich
Jo Sze: Crater of the Zavodovski island volcano.
Jo Sze: Zavodovski Island-South Sandwich Islands.
Jo Sze: Chinstrap penguins on Zavodovsky islands's volcano. - South Sandwich Islands.
Jo Sze: South coast of Zavodovski island under beaufort 9. - South Sandwich Islands.