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ANTARCTICA Weddell sea-November 2010 by Jo Sze
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Jo Sze
Jo Sze
Icebreaker sailing in the Weddell sea,South east of Eagle Island.
Jo Sze
Weddell sea :Tabular iceberg ,between Vega and Eagle islands
Jo Sze
Our Icebreaker parking on Atka bay's fast ice.
Jo Sze
Emperor penguin on Atka bay's fast ice-Weddell sea-Antarctica
Jo Sze
Atka bay fast ice,Emperor penguin colony and the German station of G. Von Neumayer II
Jo Sze
70°29 S & 08°16 W - Tabular Iceberg
Jo Sze
Antarctic landscape -70 ° South
Jo Sze
Tabular iceberg from helicopter.
Jo Sze
Atka bay Emperor penguins colony-Weddell sea.
Jo Sze
Atka bay Emperor penguins colony.
Jo Sze
Antarctic landscape 71 ° South - Icebreaker
Jo Sze
Riiser Larsen's Emperor penguins colony-Weddell sea
Jo Sze
Antarctic landscape - 72 ° South
Jo Sze
Emperor penguins colony of Atka bay-Weddell sea
Jo Sze
Chinstrap penguins on Zavodovski Island-South Sandwich
Jo Sze
Zavodovski Island-South Sandwich Islands.
Jo Sze
Glacier with volcano's ashes.-South Sandwich Island
Jo Sze
Tabular Iceberg-South Sandwich Island
Jo Sze
Emperor Penguins-Rookery.
Jo Sze
Emperor Penguins - Riiser Larsen rookery.
Jo Sze
Antarctica-Fast Ice of the Weddell sea at 72°05 S & 15°06 W.
Jo Sze
Emperor penguins jumping out of the sea.
Jo Sze
Emperor penguins bathing.
Jo Sze
Emperor Penguins.
Jo Sze
Our ship on Atka bay iceport from the Emperor penguins colony
Jo Sze
Weddell sea's openwater and fastice-Atka bay-Emperor penguins
Jo Sze
Atka bay Emperor penguins colony.
Jo Sze
Fly over a tabular iceberg, in Atka bay, with our base-ship on the horizon
Jo Sze
Take-off from the helipad to fly over Atka bay's tabular icebergs on the horizon-
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