Josephine1991: Apple blossom at Summer Leys 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: A mass of cowslips 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: Apple blossom close-up 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: Black sheep and lambs grazing 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: Bullfinch atop the tree 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: Cowslips by the lake at Summer Leys 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: Ram and two black sheep 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: Duck and swan in convoy 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: Moorhen in the reeds 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: Looking out across the lake 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: Reflected swan 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: Swans in flight 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: Water birds in close-up 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: The lake at Summer Leys 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: Tiny bird on the wire 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: Trees frame the lake 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: Water birds on the lake 18.4.14.
Josephine1991: Waving reeds 18.4.14.