Josephine1991: A different version of pussy willow 03.04.14.
Josephine1991: Another view of the Baptist chapel 03.04.14.
Josephine1991: Country Cottage 03.04.14.
Josephine1991: Donkey path 03.04.14.
Josephine1991: Off we go 03.04.14.
Josephine1991: On the front of the Baptist chapel 03.04.14.
Josephine1991: Our first bluebell 03.04.14.
Josephine1991: Our first cowslip 03.04.14.
Josephine1991: Pussy willow 03.04.14.
Josephine1991: Skirting the ploughed field 03.04.14.
Josephine1991: Pussy willow in close-up 03.04.14.
Josephine1991: The old oak tree 03.04.14.
Josephine1991: Unknown tree 03.04.14.
Josephine1991: Weir Cottage,Keysoe 03.04.14.
Josephine1991: Wood Anemone 03.04.14.
Josephine1991: Wood anemones 03.04.14.
Josephine1991: Unusual chapel -on the right of this photo 03.04.14.