jo92photos: Small Tortoiseshell - Aglais urticae
jo92photos: Marbled White
jo92photos: Sipping Small Skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris)
jo92photos: Perfect Peacock
jo92photos: Skipper in the Meadow
jo92photos: Large Skipper
jo92photos: Meadow Brown butterfly
jo92photos: Orange Tip Warming Up in the Early Morning
jo92photos: Speckled Wood Butterfly (Pararge aegeria)
jo92photos: Painted Lady
jo92photos: Scarce Swallowtail.
jo92photos: Dutch Red Admiral
jo92photos: The Fastest Flitter in the Hedgerow
jo92photos: Cho cho - butterfly
jo92photos: Fritillary and Cosmos
jo92photos: Silver-washed Fritillary
jo92photos: Garden Visitor
jo92photos: Orangetip's Morning Sip
jo92photos: Dazzling Butterfly on Dazzling Blooms.
jo92photos: Silver-washed Fritillary - or is it?
jo92photos: Male Silver Washed Fritillary
jo92photos: Green-veined White Butterfly
jo92photos: September butterfly
jo92photos: Newly Emerged Nymph
jo92photos: A late visitor
jo92photos: Comma Charisma
jo92photos: Butterfly Ballet
jo92photos: The Admiral on Parade
jo92photos: Gatekeeper
jo92photos: Comma Butterfly - Polygonia c-album