jenny_wong: Christmas special krispykremes
jenny_wong: Mmmmmm
jenny_wong: Dolphin mosaic in rooftop pool
jenny_wong: coast to coast
jenny_wong: Rooftop pool
jenny_wong: Downtown Causeway Bay
jenny_wong: Victoria harbour and Bei-fong-tong
jenny_wong: Rooftop pool and baby pool
jenny_wong: Victoria harbour
jenny_wong: Outdoor expo market
jenny_wong: football pitch and tennis courts
jenny_wong: high rise residential blocks
jenny_wong: Dim sum scene at Spring Moon, The Peninsula hotel
jenny_wong: Siu Mai with strands of shark's fin
jenny_wong: Siu Mai, sweetened walnuts and lotus wrapped glutenous rice with diced abalone
jenny_wong: enjoying dim sum
jenny_wong: and my premium tea, Jasmine leaves that are curled in ickel balls
jenny_wong: where to place your chopsticks
jenny_wong: yum char @ Peninsula Hotel
jenny_wong: Dad pacing his tea time
jenny_wong: cool dude @ Ned Kelly jazz club, Tsim Sha Tsui