JnL: The Homesteaders
JnL: The Homesteaders
JnL: Pan
JnL: Dreaming Stones
JnL: Bench
JnL: A Walk in the Woods in Haliburton
JnL: Terminus
JnL: The Sleep of the Huntress
JnL: Moose Scraps and House
JnL: Moose Scraps
JnL: House and Cobalt
JnL: Curve
JnL: Visionary – A Tribute to Sir Sandford Fleming
JnL: Visionary – A Tribute to Sir Sandford Fleming
JnL: Sound Vessel: Forest
JnL: Beaver
JnL: Beaver and Cobalt
JnL: Beaver
JnL: Granite Figure
JnL: Curved Walls
JnL: Curved Walls
JnL: Curved Walls
JnL: Curved Walls
JnL: Curved Walls
JnL: Curled Figures
JnL: Curled Figures
JnL: Redwing Frond
JnL: Guardians of the Forest
JnL: Guardians of the Forest
JnL: Standing Figure