jyoti pb: Loading the nets
jyoti pb: Here comes the Motor
jyoti pb: Motor being mounted
jyoti pb: Lets turn her around
jyoti pb: She is almost seaward
jyoti pb: Checking the motor
jyoti pb: Motor is working
jyoti pb: Ok ! Lets get her to water
jyoti pb: Push ! Push !
jyoti pb: All important part of the voyage
jyoti pb: Come on ! Keep pushing
jyoti pb: We are almost there !
jyoti pb: Guys ! Hop In
jyoti pb: Wow ! Managing first wave
jyoti pb: The second one
jyoti pb: Wow ! A relief !
jyoti pb: Almost in the open
jyoti pb: Done we are out in open
jyoti pb: Lets push the throttle !
jyoti pb: The sea is ours