jmv: The 26th Annual Sam Payne Award Ceremony
jmv: Dal Richards meets Bill Reiter at the head table
jmv: Dal Richards meets Bill Reiter at the head table
jmv: The 26th Annual Sam Payne Award Ceremony
jmv: The 26th Annual Sam Payne Award Ceremony
jmv: The 26th Annual Sam Payne Award Ceremony
jmv: The 26th Annual Sam Payne Award Ceremony
jmv: Bill signs and autograph
jmv: The 26th Annual Sam Payne Award Ceremony
jmv: The 26th Annual Sam Payne Award Ceremony
jmv: The 26th Annual Sam Payne Award Ceremony
jmv: Alex Green's Sam Payne Award, accepted by Brad Loree of Stunts Canada
jmv: Bill Reiter receives his Sam Payne Award
jmv: The 26th Annual Sam Payne Award Ceremony
jmv: The 26th Annual Sam Payne Award Ceremony
jmv: The 26th Annual Sam Payne Award Ceremony
jmv: Another autograph
jmv: The 26th Annual Sam Payne Award Ceremony
jmv: The 26th Annual Sam Payne Award Ceremony
jmv: The 26th Annual Sam Payne Award Ceremony