jmthompsonphoto: It's Cold Out Here!
jmthompsonphoto: Looks Warm in There!
jmthompsonphoto: Winter Bluejay
jmthompsonphoto: No Room at the Feeder
jmthompsonphoto: House Finch at Window Feeder
jmthompsonphoto: Cedar Waxwing
jmthompsonphoto: Northern Flicker in Crabapple Tree
jmthompsonphoto: Profile of Northern Flicker
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jmthompsonphoto: IMG_3650rs
jmthompsonphoto: American Goldfinch on a Tree Branch
jmthompsonphoto: American Goldfinch on a Tree Branch
jmthompsonphoto: American Goldfinches on a Seed Feeder
jmthompsonphoto: The Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula)
jmthompsonphoto: Baby Blue Jay
jmthompsonphoto: IMG_5137rs
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