jmtosses: rocker on caffein
jmtosses: i can has air conditioning?
jmtosses: sky so blue
jmtosses: the latter or the ladder?
jmtosses: over the top
jmtosses: invisible reflections
jmtosses: between green
jmtosses: there you are ...
jmtosses: change is in the air
jmtosses: loading sound-waves directly into his brain
jmtosses: ... charged ... ready ... rock!
jmtosses: b ä m !
jmtosses: here! me too! bam?
jmtosses: engines running - shot out the window
jmtosses: u-stadtbahn
jmtosses: eye so blue
jmtosses: lite
jmtosses: lurkin'