James at 53:
Apollo Theater
James at 53:
The Empire Diner
James at 53:
Parachute Drop
James at 53:
Mt. Morris Bathhouse
James at 53:
Village Lights
James at 53:
honky lips
James at 53:
Eagle Clothes
James at 53:
land of liberty, land of crap
James at 53:
looking north on 5th ave
James at 53:
Dime Toss
James at 53:
shea goodbye 229
James at 53:
The Planet of the Apes
James at 53:
A Pointless Juxtaposition
James at 53:
Smoke 'em if you got 'em...
James at 53:
D Train
James at 53:
James at 53:
Coney Isl Arcade
James at 53:
James at 53:
Hey Joey
James at 53:
Parachute Drop
James at 53:
James at 53:
James at 53:
Shoot The Freak
James at 53:
Shuttered attraction
James at 53:
Skin the wife
James at 53:
Surf Hotel
James at 53: