jmspool: A page from the Orbitz Live Style Guide - Mark Meeker @Meeker #Orbitz
jmspool: Mark Meeker presents Live Stle Guides at Orbitz @Meeker #UXTCHI
jmspool: Will Hacker telling us how to implement for Tablets when Responsive Design isn't possible
jmspool: Jeff Steffgen from SuperConnect is showing us what it takes to design for the enterprise. #UXTCHI
jmspool: How to let enterprise users identify themselves. Jeff Steffgren @_jeffgren_ #UXTCHI
jmspool: Wireframe to test in @Russu's live usability testing
jmspool: Russ Unger (@Russu) talking about research techniques w/teams that haven't done research before #uxtchi
jmspool: Russ Unger (@Russu) sharing w/#uxtchi about research basics
jmspool: Shay Howe (@ShayHowe) sharing the adventures of redesigning Groupon. #UXTCHI
jmspool: Photo from a pre-digital world from John Yesko of Walgreens #UXTCHI
jmspool: John Yesko of Walgreens explaining how the photo printing experience works #UXTCHI
jmspool: Why, what, & how of design – Stephen Anderson @StephenAnderson #UXTCHI
jmspool: Stephen Anderson schooling us on designing conversationally. #UXTCHI