jmsmytaste: 67-5-4-23-1
jmsmytaste: star pig
jmsmytaste: good shape
jmsmytaste: what's this?
jmsmytaste: colours in the sky
jmsmytaste: asins ex B?
jmsmytaste: sunlight
jmsmytaste: shops
jmsmytaste: perspective
jmsmytaste: to the sky!
jmsmytaste: wave wave wave ...
jmsmytaste: blue wave wave wave ...
jmsmytaste: shadow on the blue wall
jmsmytaste: what's this?
jmsmytaste: shadow on stairs
jmsmytaste: natural paint
jmsmytaste: natural paint
jmsmytaste: natural paint
jmsmytaste: natural paint
jmsmytaste: USAF
jmsmytaste: loveXlove
jmsmytaste: stand!