Jade M. Sheldon: "Love is life. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is, everything exists, only because I love."
Jade M. Sheldon: "The belly rules the mind."
Jade M. Sheldon: Laura...
Jade M. Sheldon: "I have learned not to worry about love; but to honor its coming with all my heart."
Jade M. Sheldon: Care for a cup of love?
Jade M. Sheldon: "Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love."
Jade M. Sheldon: "Gratitude is the Memory of the Heart"
Jade M. Sheldon: Jade and Cory Cupcakes!
Jade M. Sheldon: Cory's Heart Belongs to Jade
Jade M. Sheldon: Cory... This Pout is For You...
Jade M. Sheldon: That's the Cupcake!
Jade M. Sheldon: I Spot a Cory Cupcake
Jade M. Sheldon: Death by Sugar
Jade M. Sheldon: Ooo, Sprinkles! Happy Valentine's Day...
Jade M. Sheldon: Lipstick and Facial Hair
Jade M. Sheldon: Whispering Heart
Jade M. Sheldon: A Wise Old Owl Said You Would Be My Valentine