JM Rocher: Bush & Cheney arrive
JM Rocher: Michelle
JM Rocher: MIchelle
JM Rocher: Bush arrives
JM Rocher: Obama Arrives
JM Rocher: Two Presidents
JM Rocher: Inauguration Day crowds
JM Rocher: Smile
JM Rocher: Aretha Franklin
JM Rocher: Listening to Aretha
JM Rocher: Inauguration Speech
JM Rocher: P1211189
JM Rocher: Inauguration Speech
JM Rocher: Swearing In
JM Rocher: Swearing In
JM Rocher: Inauguration Speech
JM Rocher: Inauguration Speech
JM Rocher: Inauguration Speech
JM Rocher: Inauguration Speech
JM Rocher: With Biden
JM Rocher: Double image - Capitol & Flag
JM Rocher: Anthem
JM Rocher: Double image - Obama & Flag
JM Rocher: Anthem
JM Rocher: After the swearing in
JM Rocher: After the swearing in
JM Rocher: Not now, George
JM Rocher: Two first families
JM Rocher: Two first families
JM Rocher: Two Presidents