The Horus's Eye: La Catedral
The Horus's Eye: Desembocadura del Hunter River, con loros
The Horus's Eye: Honeysuckle
The Horus's Eye: Puerto deportivo
The Horus's Eye: Aérea de Newcastle_3
The Horus's Eye: Aérea de Newcastle_2
The Horus's Eye: Aérea de Newcastle_1
The Horus's Eye: Vista desde Merewether
The Horus's Eye: Buena sombra
The Horus's Eye: Old Ute_1
The Horus's Eye: Volante Old Ute
The Horus's Eye: Old Ute con paisano
The Horus's Eye: O Ferreiro de Newcastle_4
The Horus's Eye: O Ferreiro de Newcastle_3
The Horus's Eye: O Ferreiro de Newcastle_2
The Horus's Eye: O Ferreiro de Newcastle_1
The Horus's Eye: Espantallo_1
The Horus's Eye: Espantallo_2
The Horus's Eye: Trenza_2
The Horus's Eye: Trenza_1
The Horus's Eye: Tremendo becerro_1
The Horus's Eye: Tremendo becerro_2
The Horus's Eye: Dromedario
The Horus's Eye: Newcastle Beach
The Horus's Eye: Barandilla con ferruxe
The Horus's Eye: "Perspectiva interior"
The Horus's Eye: Paciencia asiática
The Horus's Eye: Ferregacho