jmd41280: Historical marker and cairn atop MD high point (Hoye-Crest)
jmd41280: Looking west toward WV from MD high point
jmd41280: Atop MD high point (Hoye-Crest)
jmd41280: View to the southeast from Hoye-Crest
jmd41280: View to the west from Hoye-Crest
jmd41280: Sign leading to Hoye-Crest summit (MD high point)
jmd41280: View to the southeast from Hoye-Crest
jmd41280: View to the south from Hoye-Crest
jmd41280: Hoye-Crest historical marker - Kempton, MD
jmd41280: View to the south from Backbone Mt.
jmd41280: Leading the way to the top of Maryland
jmd41280: View to the south from Backbone Mt.
jmd41280: Beginning of Backbone Mt. Trail
jmd41280: Mt. Storm Power Plant from MD high point