JMcCT: Construction of The Edge's turf fields began in July, 2012
JMcCT: The land was cleared before construction could begin
JMcCT: The Edge's new turf field, was completed in December, 2012
JMcCT: X marks the center of the field
JMcCT: The field is lined for both soccer and lacrosse
JMcCT: Immense bundles of material that will become the bubble were delivered in late December
JMcCT: Heavy cables will be used hold the bubble cover in place
JMcCT: A topping off tree, or a Christmas tree?
JMcCT: Installation, stage 1: Spreading the bubble across the field
JMcCT: Installation 2: Anchoring the edge of the bubble
JMcCT: Installation 3: Pulling the cables that will secure the inflated bubble
JMcCT: Installation 3: The loops that secure the cables at the center of the bubble
JMcCT: Installation 3: The cable eye
JMcCT: Installation 3: The cable eye attached to its mooring
JMcCT: Installation 4: Emergency egress doors, ready for installation
JMcCT: The bubble was inflated on Saturday, January 5, 2013
JMcCT: Inside at last, the bubble was inflated moments ago
JMcCT: Inside!
JMcCT: Inaugural practice: Bedford Youth Lacrosse Girls 1
JMcCT: Inaugural practice: Bedford Youth Lacrosse Girls 2
JMcCT: Inaugural practice: Bedford Youth Lacrosse Girls 3
JMcCT: Inaugural practice: Bedford Youth Lacrosse Girls 4
JMcCT: Inaugural practice: Bedford Youth Lacrosse Girls 5
JMcCT: Inaugural practice: Bedford Youth Lacrosse Boys 1
JMcCT: Inaugural practice: Bedford Youth Lacrosse Boys 2