JMcCT: Richard Warrington and the DPW crew that installed Dance Rhythm
JMcCT: DPW crew members wrap the statue in preparation for its installation
JMcCT: DPW crew members wrap the statue in preparation for its installation - 2
JMcCT: Selectman Mike Rosenberg spoke during the dedication
JMcCT: Richard Warrington spoke at the dedication
JMcCT: Watching the dedication - 1
JMcCT: Watching the dedication - 2
JMcCT: Watching the dedication - 3
JMcCT: Unveiling the plaque
JMcCT: Emily Wade and Citizen of the Year Roberta 'Bobbie' Ennis
JMcCT: Rev. Christopher Wendell and Emily Wade
JMcCT: Town Manager Rick Reed, Selectman Mike Rosenberg