JMcCT: The First Parish Coffee Ministry - 1
JMcCT: The First Parish Coffee Ministry - 2
JMcCT: Don Marshall, Citizen of the Year, and his wife Barbara
JMcCT: The Lance Family
JMcCT: Mary Flatley and Charlie Frean
JMcCT: Peeking through the BCA socks
JMcCT: The pan pipe project - 1
JMcCT: The pan pipe project - 2
JMcCT: The pan pipe project - 3
JMcCT: Bedford blue was the order of the day
JMcCT: Socks for sale at the Bedford Center for the Arts booth
JMcCT: Laurie Dunham, Don and Barbara Marshall check out BCA's socks
JMcCT: Suzi moved back and forth between Rotary and BCA
JMcCT: PMC Kids - 1
JMcCT: PMC Kids - 2
JMcCT: PMC Kids - 3
JMcCT: Bedford's Democratic Town Committee carried the flag
JMcCT: The Republican Town Committee banner
JMcCT: Kids happily clambered on Bedford's heavy equipment
JMcCT: Rich Warrington and the new rubbish truck
JMcCT: Bedford's new rubbish bins will be personalized!
JMcCT: Bikes - 1
JMcCT: Bikes - 2
JMcCT: The Friends of the Library celebrated their 50th year
JMcCT: Lois Pulliam, a member of the original Friends' board, rode in the parade with Shades Callaghan
JMcCT: Sharon McDonald made a turtle face with Murphy's larger cousin
JMcCT: Rick Spofford 'walked' the book sale among the crowd
JMcCT: The Bookcart Dancers
JMcCT: Garden Club chrysanthemums and calendars with Toni Wood and Barbara Kupfrian
JMcCT: Best booth?