jmcbray: Andy Crouch keynote address: recovering our creative calling
jmcbray: electric & logo
jmcbray: Blue Like Jazz film screening w/ Steve Taylor (writer/director/producer)
jmcbray: Tate Welling leading us in morning prayer
jmcbray: Clay & Tate leading us in song
jmcbray: Bob Beckwith leading/praying us through the Psalm 51
jmcbray: worshipping God
jmcbray: stratocaster
jmcbray: mic
jmcbray: Creighton on the mic
jmcbray: Dutton
jmcbray: more dutton
jmcbray: those gathered
jmcbray: lead & bass
jmcbray: great music & leadership
jmcbray: Andy Crouch's keynote
jmcbray: listening in
jmcbray: small groups
jmcbray: more small groups
jmcbray: conversations
jmcbray: Lovett Weems pm session
jmcbray: Andy's pm session
jmcbray: andy, board, & logo
jmcbray: Lindsay w/ Blue Like Jazz writer/director/producer Steve Taylor
jmcbray: actual photo
jmcbray: Steve addressing the group post-film screening
jmcbray: bokeh tree of lights
jmcbray: more bokeh
jmcbray: top of the tree in the night sky
jmcbray: slug crossing