jmcbray: peter rollins
jmcbray: vandy at night
jmcbray: opening worship
jmcbray: some of the the coordinating committee
jmcbray: Rev. Michael McCord speaking
jmcbray: gathered
jmcbray: delyn on the djembe
jmcbray: dan & others in worship
jmcbray: Rob Rynders welcoming us
jmcbray: setting the table
jmcbray: a reading
jmcbray: Tex Sample preaching
jmcbray: a row of Wesley grads
jmcbray: lighting
jmcbray: Beth Bostrom on the mic
jmcbray: delyn & singing
jmcbray: tim laughing post worship
jmcbray: roberts rules + tim mcclendon = parlementary party!
jmcbray: pr2
jmcbray: pr3
jmcbray: rollins & sample 'chatting' (a great convo to listen in on)
jmcbray: the whole crowd
jmcbray: exhibitors
jmcbray: flags & wind
jmcbray: this was a great ultimate field!
jmcbray: walking to dinner
jmcbray: dinner crowd 2
jmcbray: Kim Cape of GBHEM
jmcbray: conversation w/ Chaplains & CMins
jmcbray: appalachian friends