Jonathan Mays:
Osteopilus septentrionalis - Cuban Treefrog
Jonathan Mays:
pre-sunrise at beach camp
Jonathan Mays:
Piping Plovers, w/Semipalmated Plovers
Jonathan Mays:
Short-billed Dowitchers
Jonathan Mays:
dowitchers, turnstone, and sanderling
Jonathan Mays:
Piping Plovers, w/Semipalmated Plovers, dowitcher, and a Least Sandpiper
Jonathan Mays:
Ipomoea indica Oceanblue Morning-glory
Jonathan Mays:
Erythemis vesiculosa - Great pondhawk
Jonathan Mays:
Brown Booby, adult
Jonathan Mays:
hemiptera nymph on morning glory (Ipomoea indica)
Jonathan Mays:
Great White Heron (left), Great Egret (right)
Jonathan Mays:
offshore Ellen
Jonathan Mays:
American Kestrel
Jonathan Mays:
American Kestrel
Jonathan Mays:
lone mangrove
Jonathan Mays:
huntsman on gumbo limbo
Jonathan Mays:
Jonathan Mays:
Jonathan Mays:
tropical hammock trees: gumbo limbo (left) poisonwood (right)
Jonathan Mays:
White-crowned Pigeons
Jonathan Mays:
White-crowned Pigeons
Jonathan Mays:
view from camp (panoramic)
Jonathan Mays:
Common Myna
Jonathan Mays:
Common Mynas (in habitat)
Jonathan Mays:
Chef Ellen
Jonathan Mays:
Flamingo "walk-in" campsites
Jonathan Mays:
our little slice of heaven
Jonathan Mays:
mosquitos w/your meal - BONUS