Jonathan Mays: "I am the great Cornholio" (really just a Boat-tailed Grackle, westoni subspecies)
Jonathan Mays: Great Blue Heron, post-sunset silhouette
Jonathan Mays: Bald Eagle
Jonathan Mays: Ring-billed Gull, w/trash stuck to leg
Jonathan Mays: Razorbills (three)
Jonathan Mays: Razorbills (three)
Jonathan Mays: Peregrine Falcon w/shorebird prey - banded '96'black/'B'red (left leg) & purple band w/pink inscription (right leg)
Jonathan Mays: Peregrine Falcon
Jonathan Mays: Bufflehead (w/American Coot in foreground)
Jonathan Mays: Redhead scrum
Jonathan Mays: Nerodia fasciata fasciata - Banded Water Snake
Jonathan Mays: Dunlin flight (w/a couple LESA)
Jonathan Mays: Horned Grebe
Jonathan Mays: Storeria occipitomaculata obscura - Florida Red-bellied Snake