Jonathan Mays: White-collared Seedeater
Jonathan Mays: White-collared Seedeater
Jonathan Mays: Neotropic Cormorant
Jonathan Mays: Anhinga
Jonathan Mays: Texas Spiny Softshell
Jonathan Mays: welcome to the border
Jonathan Mays: Ringed Kingfisher
Jonathan Mays: American White Pelican
Jonathan Mays: Great Blue Heron - dawn on the Rio Grande
Jonathan Mays: kiskadees and orioles
Jonathan Mays: Audubon's Oriole (left) and Altamira Oriole (right)
Jonathan Mays: Great Kiskadee
Jonathan Mays: Brown Jay
Jonathan Mays: Brown Jay
Jonathan Mays: Brown Jay
Jonathan Mays: Muscovy Ducks (documentation photo...albeit a poor one)
Jonathan Mays: Muscovy Ducks
Jonathan Mays: Zone-tailed Hawk (immature)
Jonathan Mays: Zone-tailed Hawk (adult)
Jonathan Mays: Rio Grande at Salineno
Jonathan Mays: Rio Grande River Cooters
Jonathan Mays: Rio Grande at Roma Bluffs
Jonathan Mays: Rio Grande River Cooters on the Rio Grande
Jonathan Mays: Rio Grande River Cooters
Jonathan Mays: Audubon's Oriole
Jonathan Mays: Greater Roadrunner
Jonathan Mays: Greater Roadrunner ("buddy")
Jonathan Mays: Altamira Oriole
Jonathan Mays: Pyrrhuloxia
Jonathan Mays: Leafcutter Ants