Jonathan Mays: Gray Seal (middle) with Harbor Seals (right)
Jonathan Mays: Palm Warbler (yellow/eastern)
Jonathan Mays: Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Jonathan Mays: Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Jonathan Mays: Peregrine Falcon
Jonathan Mays: Rusty Blackbird
Jonathan Mays: Lark Sparrow, Blue Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting
Jonathan Mays: Blue Grosbeak
Jonathan Mays: Eastern Towhee
Jonathan Mays: Rusty Blackbird
Jonathan Mays: Carolina Wren
Jonathan Mays: Common Buckeye (not-so-common in Maine)
Jonathan Mays: Thamnophis sirtalis - Garter Snake
Jonathan Mays: Dickcissel
Jonathan Mays: Clay-colored Sparrow
Jonathan Mays: Lark Sparrow
Jonathan Mays: Clay-colored Sparrow
Jonathan Mays: Clay-colored Sparrow
Jonathan Mays: Blue Grosbeak
Jonathan Mays: Double-crested Cormorant
Jonathan Mays: Wilson's Warbler
Jonathan Mays: American Pipit
Jonathan Mays: Blue Grosbeak
Jonathan Mays: Brown Creeper...creeping
Jonathan Mays: Indigo Bunting (youngster)
Jonathan Mays: Common Nighthawk
Jonathan Mays: Dickcissel, Blue Grosbeak, Chipping Sparrows
Jonathan Mays: Blue Grosbeaks (2) with sparrows
Jonathan Mays: Tennessee Warbler
Jonathan Mays: Dickcissel (youngster)