Jonathan Mays: Anna's Hummingbird
Jonathan Mays: Sceloporus occidentalis - Western Fence Lizard
Jonathan Mays: Hyla regilla - Pacific Treefrog
Jonathan Mays: Hyla regilla - Pacific Treefrog
Jonathan Mays: Golden-crowned Sparrow
Jonathan Mays: scorpion
Jonathan Mays: Yellow-billed Magpie
Jonathan Mays: Batrachoseps nigriventris - Black-bellied Slender Salamander
Jonathan Mays: Batrachoseps nigriventris - Black-bellied Slender Salamander
Jonathan Mays: Batrachoseps nigriventris - Black-bellied Slender Salamander
Jonathan Mays: Batrachoseps nigriventris - Black-bellied Slender Salamander
Jonathan Mays: Nojoqui Falls
Jonathan Mays: sunrise birds of Morro Bay
Jonathan Mays: Long-billed Curlew
Jonathan Mays: Marbled Godwit
Jonathan Mays: Brant (Black)
Jonathan Mays: Merlin with headless passerine
Jonathan Mays: Savannah Sparrows (2 resident 'alaudinus' on left and assumed migrant on right)
Jonathan Mays: Savannah Sparrow ('alaudinus')
Jonathan Mays: White-crowned Sparrow
Jonathan Mays: Black Oystercatcher
Jonathan Mays: Black Oystercatcher
Jonathan Mays: California Ground Squirrel
Jonathan Mays: Elephant Seal (bull calling)
Jonathan Mays: Elephant Seal (bull calling)
Jonathan Mays: Surfbirds
Jonathan Mays: Cackling Goose (1 minima? & 2 leucopareia) with Canada, Greater White-fronted, Snow, and Ross's Geese
Jonathan Mays: Cackling Goose (minima?) with Canada, Greater White-fronted, Snow, and Ross's Geese
Jonathan Mays: Cackling Goose (minima?) with Canada, Greater White-fronted, and Ross's Geese
Jonathan Mays: Elephant Seal Colony (those aren't rocks on the sand!)