Jonathan Mays: Pelagic Route - 20160925
Jonathan Mays: Brown Booby (immature)
Jonathan Mays: Brown Booby (immature)
Jonathan Mays: Bridled Tern (juvenile)
Jonathan Mays: Bridled Tern (left) and Sooty Tern (right), both juveniles
Jonathan Mays: Bridled Tern (juvenile)
Jonathan Mays: Sooty Terns (adult left, juvenile right)
Jonathan Mays: Common Terns (mostly immatures)
Jonathan Mays: Loggerhead sea turtle
Jonathan Mays: Sooty Tern
Jonathan Mays: Oddspot Midgets (mostly) flyingfish
Jonathan Mays: Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
Jonathan Mays: Atlantic Spotted Dolphins playing around the boat
Jonathan Mays: Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
Jonathan Mays: Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
Jonathan Mays: Atlantic Patchwing (flyingfish)
Jonathan Mays: Atlantic Spotted Dolphin (juvenile)
Jonathan Mays: Atlantic Spotted Dolphin (juvenile)
Jonathan Mays: Atlantic Patchwing (flyingfish)
Jonathan Mays: Brown Booby, with Cory's Shearwater and Audubon's Shearwater
Jonathan Mays: Audubon's Shearwater
Jonathan Mays: Audubon's Shearwater, w/Cory's Shearwaters
Jonathan Mays: Parasitic Jaeger, w/Cory's Shearwaters
Jonathan Mays: Brown Booby
Jonathan Mays: Audubon's Shearwater
Jonathan Mays: Cory's Shearwater
Jonathan Mays: Cory's Shearwater
Jonathan Mays: Cory's Shearwater
Jonathan Mays: Cory's Shearwater
Jonathan Mays: Cory's Shearwater