JMayes: Wintery Day Walk
JMayes: Warm Day Walk
JMayes: Playing w/Pelican
JMayes: Playing w/Pelican
JMayes: Hop 'n Pop fun
JMayes: Hop 'n Pop fun
JMayes: Hop 'n Pop fun
JMayes: Tippy Toes
JMayes: Serious Lana
JMayes: Lana Laughs
JMayes: Bicycle kicks
JMayes: Tastes like Old Navy!
JMayes: Is this my size?
JMayes: Smiley Lana
JMayes: Bundled up baby
JMayes: Lana and bunny
JMayes: Pouting with Shirley
JMayes: Tastes like chicken
JMayes: John and Lana, at four-month doctor appointment
JMayes: Lana's stats
JMayes: The Scream!
JMayes: First solid food tasting