Tzef: My First Self Portrait
Tzef: Fresh
Tzef: The Cell
Tzef: Self Port Milan Hotel
Tzef: Self Port Curtains
Tzef: self portrait
Tzef: Aloned
Tzef: Mr. Hancock speaks to Mr. Montes
Tzef: Fading Frit
Tzef: Sweat I
Tzef: Sweat II
Tzef: Sweat III
Tzef: Sweat IV
Tzef: Sweat V
Tzef: Sweat VI
Tzef: Sweat VII
Tzef: Burning
Tzef: Fucking Die
Tzef: dog-dirty glass
Tzef: COACH jeff
Tzef: THIS IS MY ____ FACE
Tzef: OK well this is uncalled for..
Tzef: I'm getting good at striking a face I think
Tzef: Space Noise-4-2_strongest
Tzef: curls
Tzef: gloss
Tzef: SOM bank