Jlynott: Early Start in Largs
Jlynott: Largs Yacht Haven
Jlynott: Feather Star (Antedon petasus)
Jlynott: Feather Star (Antedon petasus)
Jlynott: Bloody Henry (Henricia sp.)
Jlynott: Bow of the Beagle
Jlynott: Bow of the Beagle
Jlynott: Bow of the Beagle
Jlynott: Brown Crab (Cancer pagurus)
Jlynott: Butterfish (Pholis gunellus)
Jlynott: Broken Jars on the deck of the Wallachia
Jlynott: Broken Jars on the deck of the Wallachia
Jlynott: Plumose Anemones (Metridium dianthus) on the Stern
Jlynott: Plumose Anemones (Metridium dianthus) on the Stern
Jlynott: Plumose Anemones (Metridium dianthus) on the Stern
Jlynott: Horseman Anemone (Urticina eques)
Jlynott: Winches near the bow
Jlynott: Devonshire Cup Coral (Caryophyllia smithii)
Jlynott: Devonshire Cup Coral (Caryophyllia smithii) fluorescence
Jlynott: Devonshire Cup Coral (Caryophyllia smithii) fluorescence
Jlynott: Devonshire Cup Coral (Caryophyllia smithii) white & Blue light