Jlynott: Dogfish Reef, Loch Fyne
Jlynott: Lewis & Ryan descending
Jlynott: Red Cushion Star (Porania pulvillus)
Jlynott: Stichastrella rosea
Jlynott: Stichastrella rosea
Jlynott: Small-spotted Catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula)
Jlynott: Small-spotted Catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula)
Jlynott: Small-spotted Catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula)
Jlynott: Small-spotted Catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula)
Jlynott: Small-spotted Catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula)
Jlynott: Sea Loch Anemones (Protanthea simplex)
Jlynott: Sea Loch Anemone (Protanthea simplex)
Jlynott: Sea Loch Anemone (Protanthea simplex)
Jlynott: Common Sunstar (Crossaster papposus)
Jlynott: Mermaid's Purse
Jlynott: Reef Life
Jlynott: Sea Loch Anemone (Protanthea simplex)
Jlynott: Colonial Sea Squirts
Jlynott: Colonial Sea Squirts
Jlynott: Lewis & Ryan heading up the slope
Jlynott: Shallow tunicates, dogfish reef
Jlynott: Horseman Anemone (Urticina eques)
Jlynott: Horseman Anemone (Urticina eques)
Jlynott: Lewis, Ryan, & Milo
Jlynott: Top of the Kenmore Wall
Jlynott: Top of the Kenmore Wall
Jlynott: Cod (Gadus morhua)
Jlynott: Cod (Gadus morhua)
Jlynott: Kenmore Wall
Jlynott: Peacock Worms (Sabella pavonina)