Jlynott: On route to the first dive of the weekend
Jlynott: Oaten Pipe Hydroids (Tubularia indivisa)
Jlynott: White Cluster Anemones (Parazoanthus anguicomus)
Jlynott: Actinothoe sphyrodeta
Jlynott: Polycera faeroensis
Jlynott: Actinothoe sphyrodeta & Oaten Pipe Hydroids (Tubularia indivisa)
Jlynott: Haliclona viscosa
Jlynott: Unknown Colonial Squirt
Jlynott: Branching Sponge (Stelligera stuposa)
Jlynott: Mixed animal turf on the wall
Jlynott: Sea Cucumber (Pawsonia saxicola)
Jlynott: Feather Star (Antedon sp.)
Jlynott: Botryllus schlosseri
Jlynott: Football Sea Squirt (Diazona violacea) & Goosebump Sponge (Dysidea fragilis)
Jlynott: Football Sea Squirt (Diazona violacea) & Goosebump Sponge (Dysidea fragilis)
Jlynott: Mixed animal turf on the wall
Jlynott: Plumose Anemones (Metridium dianthus)
Jlynott: Plumose Anemones (Metridium dianthus)
Jlynott: Plumose Anemones (Metridium dianthus)
Jlynott: Top of the wall
Jlynott: Veronica at the top of the wall
Jlynott: Veronica at the top of the wall
Jlynott: Coryphella rufibranchialis & Fjordia lineata
Jlynott: Ready to dive the Hispania
Jlynott: Hispania deck structure
Jlynott: Plumose Anemones (Metridium dianthus)
Jlynott: Hispania deck
Jlynott: Hispania colonised masts
Jlynott: Pollack (Pollachius pollachius) in the distance
Jlynott: Pollack (Pollachius pollachius) in the distance